Proving the usefulness of Linked Open Data in geographic applications

A way to easily find an optimal area to meet up with your friends without hours of discussion beforehand.

The project

HorISOn is a client-side application that allows you to easily find an area to meet up with your friends. It does so by making use of the planner.js library to automatically fetch open mobility data from the web

At open Summer of code 2019, three students built HorISOn for the Open Planner Team. It calculates a mutually reachable area making use of isochrones based on Linked Open Data. This way we prove the usefulness and importance of data being opened up to the public.

The Team

Tinaƫl Devresse
Fullstack Developer

Bert Schoovaerts
Fullstack Developer

Tim Baccaert
Fullstack Developer

Open Planner Team
Developers of different backgrounds